Saturday, February 13, 2010

~The Biggest and Best Opening Ceremonies in History~ Part Two

The ceremonies started with the pre-show where we were showed how and when to use the goodies in out box. The ceremonies relied a lot on the participation of the audience. We did the countdown, we were the twinkling night sky as well as a projection screen. The pre-show was hosted by Ben Mulroney and Tamara Taggert. Between sessions on learning what to do with our box, we were entertained by Jully Black and the Canadian Tenors.

Les ceremonies ont commence avec la "pre-show" ou on etait montrer comment utiliser les outils dans nos boites. Les ceremonies ont compte beuacoup sur la participation d'audience. On a fait le compte de rebours, nous etions la ciel de nuit avec les etoiles et on etait utiliser comme un ecran. La "pre-show" etait a accueilli par Ben Mulroney et Tamara Taggert. Entre les sessions ou on a appris quoi faire avec nos boites, on etait diverti par Jully Black et les Canadian Tenors.

After the pre-show, the actual ceremony started with a somber note about the Georgian Luger who died during a practice run yesterday. The whole ceremony was dedicated to him, he was in all of our thoughts throughout the show. The Canadian flag was marched on my the RCMP and the Canadian Honour Guard raised it while Nikki Yanofski sang an wonderful randition of the canadian anthem. After that, the 4 nations, Squamish, Musquem, Lil'wat, and Tsleil Waututh welcomed the world to their land. They were joined by other various first nations groups of Canada such as: Metis, First Nations of the Praries, Inuits, and the First Nations of the East were all welcomed onto the stage to join the host nations. They all danced while the atheletes of the participating countries cames on. USA and Canada definitly got the biggest cheers, but Georgia got a polite standing ovation as the came on. When all the atheletes were seated, Nelly Furtado and Bryan Adams came on. Though they were clearly lip-synching, they still made a great performance.

Apres la "pre-show", la ceremonie d'ouverture a commence avec un note sombre de la luger Georgian qui a mourir pendant un practique hier. La ceremonie etait devoue en memoire d'il. La drapeau Canadienne a fait entrer par le GRC et le garde canadien d'honneur l'hausee pendant que Nikki Yanofski a chante l'anthem national. Apres ca, les 4 nations, Squamish, Musquem, Lil'wat, et Tseil Waututh ont acueilli la monde aux leurs terres, Ils ont etait joigner par les autre nations de Canada comme les Metis, Les Premieres Nations des Praries, les Inuits et les Premiers Nations d'est. Ils ont tous danser pendant le temps que les atheletes ont arrive. USA et Canada ont eu le plus gros acclamations, Georgia on eu un ovation de postion polit quand ils ont entre. Quand toutes les athelets etait dans leurs sieges, Nelly Furtado et Byran Adams ont venue. Ils ont fait le synching du levres, mais c'etait un bon performance.

Other performers included: Sarah McLachlan who sang while the Alberta Ballet danced, Loreena McKennit, Ashley MacIsaac who did a wonderful performance along with other fiddlers and step-dancers, Joni Mitchell, k.d. lang who sang Hallelujah, Measha Brueggergosman who sang the Olympic Anthem, Thomas Saulgrain who did a beautiful acrobatic performance, and Shane Koyczan who did recited a beautiful poem about Canada.

Les autres perfromances inclus: Sarah McLachlan qui a chante pendant la Ballet d'Alberta a danse, Loreena Mnkennit, Ashley MacIsaac qui ont fait un performace avec les autres violinists et les danseurs de step, Joni Mitchell, k.d. Lang qui a chante Hallelujah, Measha Brueggergosman qui a chante l'anthem Olympique, Thomas Soulgrain qui a fait un performance d'acrobatie tres beau et Shane Koyczan qui a recite un poem tres belle de Canada.

The evening concluded with the long awaited arrival of the flame. We were all debating on who it was going to be. When Rick Hansen entered the arena with the flame in toe, everyone got excited. Rick Hansen handed the flame of to former speer-skater, Catriona Le May Doan who ran and handed it of to Basketball player Steve Nash, who handed it off skier Nancy Greene she then passed it to former hockey player Wayne Gretzsky. All 4 of them were supposed to light the cauldron, but due to technical diffuculties, one of the cauldron's arms didn't come up. Catriona Le May Doan stood there watching the other 3 light the flame. After the cauldron was lit, Wayne Gretzsky took the flame to the Vancouver Convention Centre to light the huge cauldron.

La nuit a conclue avec l'arrive de la flamme.  Nous avons fait un debat sur qui va envoyer la flamme.  Quand Rick Hansen a entrer l'arene avec la flamme, toute les monde etait tres excite.  Rick Hansen a donne l'a flamme a l'ancien patineur de vitesse, Catriona Le May Doan qui a courir et le donner a jouer de Basketball Steve Nash qui l'a donner a skieur, Nancy Greene et elle l'a donner a jouer d'hockey, Wayne Gretzsky.  Toutes les 4 ont ete suppose de allume la chaudron, mais un de les bras de chaudron n'est marche pas, alors Catriona Le May Don n'avait pas la chance.  Apres, Wayne Gretzsky a amene la flamme a la "Vancouver Convention Centre" ou la chaudron tres gro etait allumer.

It was an amazing night!  I want to thank Christina for making sure we didn't get ourselves into trouble and for getting us those amazing tickets.  Hopefully my computer will be working soon and the pictures will up soon too.

C'etait un nuit incroyable!  Je veux remercier Christina pour s'assure que nous etions sauf et pour obtenir ces billets!  J'espere que mon ordinateur va marcher bientot et les photo aussi!

NEXT POST: Womens Hockey - Finland vs. Russia
PROCHAIN POSTE: L'Hockey des Femmes - Finlande vs. Russie


  1. You are a great writer, so captivating!
    Those really were the most amazing Opening Ceremonies ever! You are so lucky to have been there, you'll remember that night for the rest of your life. I thought it was magical just watching on TV, so being there in person must have been breathtaking!

  2. Great bilingual post - sorry it took so long for me to read it!! It was an extraordinary night that I will remember forever as well. I am so glad you enjoyed it and am about to watch your picture slide show. I am going to do a blog post too (inspired by all you student live-ers)!
