Friday, January 29, 2010

Together Again...Are you ready?

Hey everyone.  I just wanted to do a quick post telling you what's been going on lately. 

Monday was amazingly awesome.  I had a blast with the Students Live crew when we all got together for a tour of the Olympic Press Centre at Canada Place and a lecture by Theresa Lalonde of CBC.  The Press Centre was amazing.  All I can say is that the press is going to be comfortable for those 2 weeks.  They have everything there!  Fom a built in McDonalds, to a laundromat, to a huge press coonference room, this building was amazing.  We had a great time getting showed around and learning about what's going to be happening there during the Olympic Games.  I feel very fortunate to have had a tour of the Press Centre, and I'll get a picture up soon. 

We had a lot of fun together on Monday.  We came up with our little catch phrase...."Are YOU ready?, and filmed a quick little video ad to showcase what we have been and are going to do.  I encourage you to check it out at

When we got together, we also found out our event placement.  What events we will each be individually covering during the games.  The anticipation was very high in the room.  I am very pleased with my events.  I have the honour of going to the:

-The Opening Ceremonies
-Womes Hockey (FIN vs. RUS) 
-Mens Snowboard X
-Victory Ceremony on the night of the above.

I am so happy with all of my events and I can't wait to get started. 

Thats all I have for now!  I'll update in a few days so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Merci pour l'information!! Ton frere est si fier de toi. Nous pensons que les photos sont incroyables!!! Nous voulons suivre ton blog dans les 2 prochaines semaines...

    La classe de Mme V
