Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Look How Far We've Come...

7 years ago it was announced that Vancouver would be hosting the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. That in itself was a turning point for a majority of the BC lower mainland. That being announced sent the province into overdrive with getting ready to host the world.

I live in Squamish... otherwise known as the McDonalds between Vancouver and Whistler. Now don't get me wrong, my town is beautiful, and before the Olympic Games, virtually unknown. My community and I have witnessed first hand, the major developments that have come hand in hand with the Olympic Games. We've had businesses pop-up out of nowhere, and more housing developments than you can shake a stick at! Our little town of 13,000 got a major make over in the past 7 years. Our notorious highway, the Sea to Sky, was made-over. Not just because of 2010... it needed to be done, but the Olympic Games definitely jump-started it. Tourism has also been enhanced. People from all around the world are coming to see the home of the 2010 Olympic Games.

Now don't call me sour... but what's going to happen after the games? What's going to happen after everybody leaves and the Olympic Games get moved somewhere else? We are going to be a well developed town with no one to witness it. There is no way all these new housing developments are going to be full up after 2010. What's going to happen to us?

After all is said and done, I guess we can still call ourselves the home of the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

To Sell or Not to Sell...

Yesterday, December 21st, The Vancouver Olympic Committee (VANOC) created a web-site enabling Olympic Game ticket holders to re-sell their tickets at the price of their choosing. It was made apparent early on, how much people wanted Olympic Tickets. Within hours of the web-site's launch, tickets that were originally $350 were selling for thousands!
VANOC decided this was the way to go after much debate. Organizers say this resale web-site will solve a couple of problems. Empty seats at events as well as providing the option to sell to people who can no longer attend the games. VANOC also feels this will tone down the amount of scalping during the Olympic Games.
Though this site is already popular amongst perspective ticket buyers, Olympic Tickets are still being sold on eBay and craigslist. Why? Well there's a catch to VANOC's web-site. When your tickets are sold, VANOC collects 10% from both the seller and the buyer. Some are saying "Is it worth it?" and others are jumping at the opportunity.
Though this web-site won't completely terminate scalping, it will eliminate a part of it. I must hand it to VANOC, this web-site is a really good idea. Kudos.
Hier, le 21 decembre, Comité Olympique du Vancouver (COVAN) a crée un site de web pour que les personnes avec les billets pour les Jeux Olympique peuvent revendre leurs billets a la prix qu'ils veulent. C'était apparant tres tot, combien des personnes ont veulent les billets. Apres la site a ouvert, dans quelques heures les billets qui était originallement 350$ était vendues pour les milles de dollars.
COVAN a decidé que ca c'etait la facon de faire. Les organisateurs pense que ca va résoudre quelques problèmes. Comme les sieges vide et l'opputunité pour les personnes qui ne peut pas aller aux les jeux a vender leurs billets. COVAN pense aussi que ca va diminué la scalper.
Bien que ce site et tresa populaire, tu peut toujours tourver les billets sur eBay et Craigslist. Pourquoi? Il y a un prise de ce site. Quand tes billets sont vendues, COVAN recueille 10% de le vendeur et la personne qui l'achete. Quelques personnes sont très excité pour ce site, et les autres sont sceptiques.
Bien que ce site ne va pas elimié la probleme de scalper, ca va diminué beaucoup. Je veut féliciter COVAN. Ils avaient un très bon idée.

Friday, December 18, 2009

My First Interview for Students Live!

Here it is my first ever interview. It's a little rough, but I think it's a good start! Sorry it's so dark...I've had a stern talk with my tech producer/brother.

Ici est ma premier entretien. Ce besoin de travail, mais je pense que c'est un bon commencement. Desolé, c'est tres foncé...J'ai besoin de parler avec mon productaire technicale/frère.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Up and Coming Interviews!

*From now on, I am going to be doing my blogs in both French and English. (Sorry if there are any mistakes)

Hey Everyone! I'm back at school after a day of hiatus....aka Students Live Orientation.

I just confirmed my first interview! I know, it's so exciting! In the next few days look out for my interview with Jocelyn Pettit. She is a very good friend of mine as well as a torch bearer for the Olympic Games and a performer for the Paralympic Games. She lives here in Squamish and she is on her way up to being a perfessional fiddle player with her first CD coming out in a couple months. Did I mention she's only 15? I'm excited to get her views and opinions on the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. Make sure to stay tuned!

Bonjour toutes le monde! Je suis a l'école apres un jour de lacune....l'Orientation de Connexion Étudiante.

J'ai juste confirmé ma premier entretien! Je sais, c'est très excitant! Dans les prochaines jours, garder attention pour ma entretien avec Jocelyn Pettit. Elle est mon amie de meme une porteuse de torche pour les Jeux Olympiques et une interprete pour les Jeux Paralympiques. Elle vit ici en Squamish et elle et entraine de devenir une joueuse professionale de violin avec sa premier CD qui va etre ici dans plusieurs mois. Est-ce qu j'ai dit qu'elle a seulment 15 ans? Je suis tres exciter pour obtenir ses opinions sur les Jeux Olympiques/Paralympiques 2010!

Monday, December 14, 2009

~In Orientation~

YAY!! I've been accepted to the Students Live Team. I'm currently sitting in orientation, braistorming how to get attention. We've sent out hundreds of invites on Facebook, mass text-messages and we are currently figuring out how to make our website more interesting and youth friendly! We've gone from 61 members on Facebook to 87 in a number of minutes. Everybody join the group Students Live on Facebook and visit the website, www.studentslive.ca. Give us some suggestions on how we can make the website great!

PS, My name is Cheyenne Smith.....NOT Lolette. Come meet me on the website, Meet the Reporters!